
Our Mission

We are In the Mission to Let’s Make Cleaning Great Lake Region.

Our aim is to have removed 90% of floating ocean plastic by 2040. We plan to do this by cleaning up the legacy plastic – the plastic already floating in the ocean – and by stopping the sources of plastic flowing into our oceans.

  • Help Environment

    You can take action to protect the environment by recycling, reusing, and composting; and avoiding toxic chemicals.

  • Water Scarcity

    The biggest problem that happens when you have water scarcity is that people are not able to get fresh, clean drinking water.

How to Save Water- Good Habits

Hand in Hand, Let’s Preserve and Save Our Mother Earth. Never Waste Even a Drop of Water!

  • Saving Water
    Around Your Home

    Save money on your
    power bills by using less
    energy to heat and
    pump water.

  • Saving Water
    Around Your Home

    Save money on your
    power bills by using less
    energy to heat and
    pump water.

  • Saving Water
    Around Your Home

    Save money on your
    power bills by using less
    energy to heat and
    pump water.

Our Volunteer’s

Help Today Because Tomorrow you may be Needs Someone Help

  • How We Help

    Join The Community To Contribution For Save Water

    Plastic Pollution


    Global Warming

  • How We Help

    We are In a Mission to Help the Helpless

    Our main objective is “conservation of water, minimizing wastage and ensuring its more equitable distribution both across and within States through integrated water resources development and management”.

  • 15+

    Monthly Donor




    Incredible Volunteers

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